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About me


Osteopath SICO
Complementary therapist with Branch Certificate OdA-KT
Graduate Craniosacral Therapist
Osteopath in training
Master of science in Pharmacy ETH Zürich


    Leccardi, Carolina Marianna

    Curriculum vitae



    "Osteopathic treatment of infants and young children with disabilities and cognitive disorders"

    17. & 18.06.2024

    Psycho-Visceral - Visceral Health to Mental and Emotional Balance" Part 1

    2018 - 2023

    Osteopathin i. A.


    Branche Cerfiticate OdA-KT Craniosacral Therapy


    Diplom SICO für Craniosacrale Osteopathie

    2020 – 2021

    Tronc Commun HPS


    eidgenössisch diplomierte Pharmazeutin ETH (äquivalent mit Master of Science)


    B Maturität an der SAMD (Schweizerische Alpine Mittelschule Davos)


    Mother tongue







    About me

    Man consists of body, spirit and soul and all of them need to be fostered.

    I grew up in the Grison mountains in an active family and at the age of 19 years I moved to Zurich to start my studies in Pharmacy. During my education I already accomplished night shifts in Bellevue Pharmacy and after my graduation in 2003 I worked for another 3 years in different pharmacies in Zurich and Winterthur. I felt that I had to do something more and I started to work for different international Medtech sales companies, selling spinal implants. I did this for 17 years until April 2023.

    2014 I gave birth to my lovely daughter and started to work part time 60%. Due to a disease in 2017/18 a rethinking in many ways took place and I changed my nutritional habits and dived into vegetarian and later plant based, gluten free nutrition habits and experimented with different recipes and also created my own ones. 

    My experience with healthy, vegan and gluten free nutrition, supplements, sports and of course my career background, sparked a desire to work more in a preventive field and I was motivated to start a part time college for osteopathy in 2018 at the Swiss International College of Osteopathy (SICO). Osteopathy seemed to me one of the most complete and holistic manual approaches. 

    Till now I am keen to learn more and I really feel at home having found my mission. I am honored to work with people and to accompany them on their way to another body feeling. The SICO Therapy is not only a manual therapy method but also a mission to lead the client to a more responsible handling with himself and his environment. That's well expressed in the sentence of Juvenal "in corpore sano, mens sana" which means in a healthy body houses a healthy mind (even though Juvenal used this sentence in another context at that time....:-))

    In December 2020 I graduated as a craniosacral therapist and received the EMR, ASCA and EGK certificates and in summer 2022 the complementary therapist with branch certificate OdA KT-Craniosacral Therapie. Thus, my treatments are reimbursed by almost all supplementary health insurances for complementary medicine.
    I graduated as an Osteopath at the Swiss International College of Osteopathy in Juno 2023.

    In my free time I like to spend time in nature with my family. Jogging, horseback riding and hang gliding are other activities I enjoy. 

    Visit me

    Quellenweg 2a
    CH-8856 Tuggen

    Contact me

    +41 78 644 66 44
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    Opening hours

    Can't find an appointment in the online booking tool?
    Do not hesitate to contact me by phone or by email.

    Health insurance recognition

    If you have taken out additional insurance for alternative medicine, part of the treatment costs will be reimbursed. How much your insurance reimburses, please, find out in your contract.

    © Osteopassion